Kyoto Foreigner friendly furnished apartment for short & long term Fragrance Tominokoji Monthly Apartment フレグランス富ノ小路マンスリーマンション

Kyoto Foreigner Friendly Short and Long-Term Rentals
Fragrance Tominokoji Holiday Rentals

Fully furnished apartments available for short and long-term stays in the heart of Kyoto. Tominokoji Holiday Apartments offer its residents a home away from home. Each apartment boasts comfortable private bedrooms, a fully functional kitchen, separate toilet and shower room (with bathtub) and is equipped with a washing machine and dryer. Guest bicycles are also available.
Choose from compact cozy studios to spacious apartments with multiple rooms and book the perfect stay.
Available for daily, weekly & monthly stays.
Solo travelers & backpackers, couples, and families all welcome.

Located in Downtown Kyoto. Easy and fast access to all main tourist attractions. Subway, city buses and JR trains all operate in the vicinity.
Tominokoji Holiday Apartments enjoys a prime location 5 minute walk away from the Imperial Garden, perfect for lazy strolls, refreshing jogs or even picnics.
Kyoto University, Doshisha University, the Kamogawa River are all just a 10 minute bicycle ride away.
The area is also unique for having a perfectly balanced mix of old and modern Kyoto. You will find an array of trendy restaurants, cafes and bakeries all around but also traditional Japanese tea houses, sweet shops also local eateries.
While being steps away from the commercial center, the neighborhood retains a tranquil residential atmosphere.
Two of Kyoto’s famous festivals, the Gion Festival and the Jidai Festival are held in this area.
Service is available in English.
We will provide you with necessary information on transports, medical assistance, local grocery shopping as well as a recommended restaurants’ map.

Locations meublées de courtes en longues durées à Kyoto
Fragrance Tominokoji Holiday Rentals

Appartements entièrement meublés, disponibles pour séjours de courte et longue durée, en plein cœur de Kyoto. Les propriétés de Tominokoji Holiday Rentals ermettent de retrouver un véritable petit chez-soi ici au Japon. Chaque appartement possède de belles et confortables chambres, une cuisine équipée, des sanitaires privés avec douche et baignoire, ainsi qu’une machine à laver. Des vélos sont aussi à disponibilité.
Faites votre choix entre un petit studio cozy ou un appartement plus spacieux à plusieurs pièces, pour un séjour parfait.
Locations disponibles à la nuitée, semaine et au mois.
Voyageurs solos, backpackers, couples et familles sont tous les bienvenus.

Situation idéale en plein centre de Kyoto, à proximité de nombreux transports en communs (bus, métro et train JR). Accès facile et rapide aux attractions des environs.
Les appartements Tominokoji Holiday se situent à 5 min du parc impérial Kyoto Gyoen, idéal pour les balades, footings ouencore les piqueniques.
Les universités de Kyoto et Doshisha, la rivière Kamogawa sont toutes accessibles à moins de 10 minutes en vélo.
Le quartier est unique en son genre, offrant une combinaison parfaite entre tradition et modernité. Vous y trouverez non seulement une série de cafés et restaurants branchés, boulangeries artisanales mais aussi des établissements typiques tels que des maisons de thé, pâtisseries japonaises ou encore des petites gargotes kyotoïtes.
Malgré sa proximité au centre commercial, le quartier reste très tranquille et agréable à vivre. De plus, il est connu pour être un lieu culturel qui accueille deux des plus grands festivals annuels de la ville ; le festival de Gion et le Jidai Matsuri.
Anglais parlé sur place.
Vous aurez également accès à toutes les informations nécessaires quant aux moyens de transports, services médicaux et supermarchés locaux ainsi qu’un plan détaillé de tous les meilleurs restaurants du quartier.
Nous espérons vous accueillir très prochainement.

Alojamientos Para Extranjeros de Corta y Larga Estancia en Kioto
Fragrance Tominokoji Holiday Rentals

Apartamentos amueblados disponibles para cortas y largas estancias en el centro de Kioto. Tominokoji Holiday Rentals ofrece a sus residentes la posibilidad de sentirse como en casa, disfrutando de mucha más independencia que en un hotel.

Cada apartamento cuenta con habitaciones privadas, una cocina equipada, un cuarto de baño (con ducha y bañera) y está equipado con lavadora y secadora. Tenemos tambien bicicletas para nos huéspedes.

Ofrecemos diversas opciones que van desde apartamentos espaciosos hasta estudios acogedores.

Todo los alojamientos son disponibles para estadías diarias, semanales y mensuales.

Viajeros en solitario, backapackers, parejas y familias todos son bienvenidos.

Barrio muy tranquil en la orilla oeste del río Kamogawa, que todavia tiene una buena oferta de tiendas, restaurantes y entretenimiento. Excellente ubicación cerca de de líneas de tren (JR) y metro asi que muchas rutas de bus.

大通りの喧騒を離れ、まどろむような静寂につつまれる御所南にあり、 京都の観光スポットへのアクセスが簡単にできます。又、京都大学を始め、同志社大学なども自転車圏内にあります。伝統的な工芸の店とトレンディーなカフェやレストランが同居するユニークな街並みを歩きながら、散歩やジョギングに最適な京都御所へは5 鴨川へは10分の距離。レストランマップや食材が調達できる場所の案内もいたします。

Fragrance冨小路では、レジデントはプライベートベッドルーム、設備の整ったキッチン、トイレ、ユニットバスを使用いただけます。 アパートメントルームは家具、ランドリー付きで、コンパクトなアパートメントから複数のルームを備えたアパートメントまでございます。 すべての部屋は、短期および長期滞在が可能です。一人旅、お仕事、テレワーク、カップル歓迎致します。

家具、電化製品から消耗品まで、生活の必需品が一式そろっているため、余分な出費を抑え、カバン1つで新生活が始められます。 日用品など、暮らしに必要なものが一式そろっているのも、マンスリーマンションの利点です。


Street access 1DK


1DK room on the ground floor.
The arched ceiling and soft lighting Gives a sense of security in the silence.

Click here for more details詳細はこちら

Sunny Studio with west balcony

二階西向きにバルコニーがある明るいstudioタイプのお部屋。 一人滞在に最適です。

A bright studio type room with a balcony facing west on the second floor. Ideal for staying alone.
Despite its compact size, it has everything you need.

Click here for more details詳細はこちら

Family&Friends 1DK


Quiet 1DK. Modern Japanease style with soft Ivory color with tatami and natural wooden floor.

Click here for more details詳細はこちら

Bright,Cosy & Quiet with Balcony 1DK


Sun drenched Balcony in heart of city. Blight color bunks bed, plus double bed .

Click here for more details詳細はこちら

Sunny Studio south east balcony

南西のバルコニー、南北両側に窓があり、明るくて風が通るstudio typeの三階のお部屋。

303 A studio type apartment with sunny balcony. Natural wooden flooring.

Click here for more details詳細はこちら

Bright Loft w Balcony


Loft apartment with balcony . Sky light. Perfect for solo traveller double space bedding loft space.

Click here for more details詳細はこちら

Cosy Loft

明るくて風邪通りが良い部屋。Loft 部の寝室にはキングサイズのベッドを設置。

Very bright fresh air through , A balcony with bench where you can view Kyoto's secret Daimonji mountain.Loft with sky light, perfect for 1-2 person. A king size bed on loft space.

Click here for more details詳細はこちら

〒604-0964 京都府京都市中京区鍛冶屋町富小路通二条上る384

京都地下鉄東西線 / 京都市役所前駅 徒歩7分
京都市営烏丸線 / 烏丸御池駅 徒歩10分

384, Kajiyacho, Kyoto Shi Nakagyo Ku, Kyoto Fu, 604-0964, Japan

7 minutes walk from Kyoto Subway Tozai Line / Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae Station
10 minutes walk from Kyoto Municipal Karasuma Line / Karasuma Oike Station

How to reserve and stay ご予約からご宿泊までの流れ


For the reservation, please contact us from the “Reservation” page or call us.

TEL 080-2512-6078 10:00 - 19:00

There is a possibility that you hear the answering machine when you call us.In that case, please leave your message with your name and telephone number.


We ask you an advanced payment.
When we receive your reservation, we will resend you a booking confirmation by email to your email address that you mentioned in the reservation form.
When you receive our booking confirmation, please pay through a bank transfer for the payment of accommodation fee according to the bank account information entioned in the message.



When we confirm your payment for the accommodation, the booking confirmation is done.
We will send back to you a booking confirmation including details with the map for the access, and check-in etc. by email.


"La science, comme l'art, procède d'un subtil mélange d'émotion et de raison, de régularités et de surprises, d'ombres et de lumières."
Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Académie des Sciences

The Photo works on the wall are by AiR” Art in Research”.. We cheer the young scientists for their contributions to make our future better.

アパートに飾られた写真は フランスのアート集団 Art in Researchの作品で、Fragrance Tominokoji Holiday Apartment は若手科学者達の研究活動を応援致しております。

罅模樣 Crack patterns ビルジールティエブナズ & トマセオン
by Virgile Thiévenaz & Thomas Séon

水滴が、マイナス36度までに冷え切ったシリコンの基質の上に、落ちた。その水滴は自重によって広がり、基質と接触した水の薄い層が程無く凍ってしまう。ところが、液体の層は差し迫る冷気に対抗し、表面張力の効果により収縮し、さらに丸い帽子を作る。伸縮力を蓄え変形した水滴を、冷気はやがてゆっくりと貫いて行く。その緊張が高まってしまうと、水滴はひび割 れ、やむを得えなず亀裂となってしまう。

A water droplet falls on a silicon substrate cooled down at -36°C. The drop spreads under its weight, and the thin layer of water in contact with the solid freezes almost instantly. However, a liquid layer is resistant to the threatening cold and retracts under the effect of surface tension to form a spherical cap. The cold slowly penetrates the deformed drop which sees its volume increase by storing elastic energy. When the stress becomes too strong, the drop cracks and fractures are unavoidable.

落雷 Struck by lightning バンジャマンティリア
by Benjamin Thiria

実験室で雷の衝撃を再現することは一見、普通ではないように思われる。一方で、目に見える結果としてリヒテンベルク図形と呼ばれる模様が見られたならば、その再現方法で間違いないと言えるだろう。そこにはトナーが目印として使用されており、静電気が解放され、絶縁物質の表面へと流れ込む様子が標される。永遠に見ていたいとさえ思うこの一時の刺青は、ふとした風 で吹き飛ばされてしまうほどのものだ。

Reproducing the impact of lightning in one’s laboratory may seem, at first glance, a peculiar under- taking. On the other hand, when the result displayed gives this kind of pattern — called Lichtenberg figures — one can certainly approve the approach. Here, toner powder is used as a tracer when an electrostatic discharge is sent to the surface of the insulating material. This ephemeral tattoo, which we would like to see last forever, could be swept away in a single gust of wind.

甘い結晶体 Sweet crystallization I エリックファルコン & クロードラロシュ
by Eric Falcon & Claude Laroche


Anyone who drinks sweet tea or coffee is familiar with the dissolution of sugar in water. The reappearance of sugar itself from the latter solution however gets much less press. To better observe this phenomenon, take a drop of sweet water, place it under your microscope - or else borrow one from your neighbour - and warm up your sample. Wait a few minutes and you will then see the first crystalline fragments at the nucleation points. On this shot, the two phases, solid and liquid, coexist before the first expands inexorably, without mercy for the second.

パリジャンの珪藻 Parisian diatom パスカルジャン ロペズ
by Pascal Jean Lopez


Have you ever wondered about the type of creatures that inhabit the waters of our cities? Pascal has, and the answer is before our eyes. This microorganism, observed under a transmission electron microscope and whose size does not exceed twenty microns, belongs to the family of Parisian diatoms. The skeleton of this microscopic alga is made of silica, the hardest material in the world. The parallel between the bone structure of this bacillariophyta and the capillary network of a leaf is rather striking. But the forms are not the only thing that these plants share: just like the trees that populate our forests, these algae are essential for our survival since they alone produce nearly a quarter of the oxygen we consume. Ready, steady, breathe.

DNAパッチワークII DNA Patchwork II ヤニックロンデレ
by Yannick Rondelez


This photographic assemblage could as well be the collaborative work of a pointillist painter and a contemporary artist. In fact, nearly fifty thousand drops filled with DNA and fluorescent tracers populate this high resolution canvas. Observed under the microscope, the chromatic data resulting from the expression of the tracers allows one to obtain information on the DNA present in each of these microdrops. This innovative method is promising for the bio-medical world and could eventually become an essential tool for diagnosis.

“Art in Research” (AiR) is the artist group attempting to diffuse the latent and breath-taking beauty in science as photography worldwide.
The beauty has been discovered unexpectedly and momentarily but intentionally, through the eyes of scientists looking through a microscope.
Since AiR was founded in 2017, 17 scientists basically from France have participated in the project and released 85 art pieces. The profit made from the exhibitions in 9 places in 3 countries is allotted to young scientists for their research funds.

科学を研究する者たちだけが、顕微鏡を覗きこむ その眼を通し、偶発的・必然的・刹那的に出会ってきた 息を飲むような美しさ。科学の中に潜む「美」を 研究者が独占するだけのものではなく、フォトグラフィーとして世界的に発信しようと試みているのがフランスの アート集団、Art in Research である。
2017 年の設立以来、フランスを中心に約17人の 科学者がこのプロジェクトに参加し、85点に 及ぶアート作品として発表。世界各国のエキシビションを行う中で販売された作品の収益は、 若手科学者たちの研究活動資金に充てられている。